We provide training for each engaged couple. This became mandatory in many churches.
Our pre-marriage preparation course consists of two components:
- Several Hours of lectures:
This is announced and scheduled on a monthly basis on our website, Facebook page, and/or emails we send to all priests in the area.
You can register via any of the announcement methods above. This part is public and general to all couples attending. It addresses areas and skills needed to have a successful marriage.
FEE: for the lecture portion is announced on the registration flyer.
- On-line assessment:
This is a personalized, in-depth assessment for each couple that examines compatibility on several scales including Communication, Conflict Resolution, Partner Style, Friends and Family, Family of Origin Map, Couples Map, and Personality Types.
Once completed, you contact MFM to schedule feedback session(s) (estimated at 2 hours). Training is tailored to the couple’s potential areas of growth/improvement.
This is tailored for each couple: You participate in this by:
a- providing names, phone numbers and emails for each person in the couple.
b- MFM will register you on-line
c- Each one of you will get an email to start SEPARATELY answering the questions (Fee: $35 per couple). The first-person who logs-in makes a payment directly to the company that scores the assessment and provides the reports.
d- Once completed, the couple contacts MFM to schedule feedback sessions. This portion depends on each couple’s need and the training required for their circumstances. (Most engaged couples need one session estimated to be 2 hours).
Training and exercises are provided during the session(s) and are tailored to the couple’s areas of growth/improvement.
FEE for the Feedback Session: We use a “Scaled Hourly Rate” based on each couple’s income and ability. We do NOT mandate a specific fee for this service, as we believe in providing services as a ministry. Each couple determines their donation based on their circumstances.
- How to Select Your Soulmate Course: We developed this course specifically for college students and young adults who are not currently engaged. (This course may be extended to high school seniors.) The goal is to avoid rushing into a relationship that may result in a broken heart or even broken families in the future. Topics discussed include: the Psychology of Attraction, unconscious Images, the mate of my dream VS. the mate I can attract, and specifics you are seeking in a mate.
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